Category: Light Novel

accel world tv series poster

Accel World

Aired: 2012

Accel World (アクセル・ワールド) is a Japanese light novel series written by Reki Kawahara. The series follows Haruyuki Arita, a socially marginalized high school student who discover...

accel world tv series poster

Accel World (Series)

Aired: 2012

Accel World (アクセル・ワールド) is a Japanese light novel series written by Reki Kawahara. The series follows Haruyuki Arita, a socially marginalized high school student who discover...

Accel World Infinite Burst movie poster

Accel World: Infinite∞Burst

Aired: 2016

"Accel World: Infinite∞Burst" is a captivating movie set in the vibrant world of the "Accel World" series, penned by Reki Kawahara. The plot follows the protagonist, Haruyuki Arita, as he navigat...

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