Category: Shoujo
Ace wo Nerae! Final Stage
Aired: 1989
Released in 1989, "Ace wo Nerae! Final Stage" is a four-episode OVA that marks the conclusion of Hiromi Oka’s journey as she aims to reach the pinnacle of her tennis career. Once again directed b...
Aim for the Ace! (Ace wo Nerae)
Aired: 1973
“Ace wo Nerae!” (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo m...
Aim for the Ace! (Series)
Aired: 1973
"Ace wo Nerae!" (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo magaz...
Aim for the Ace!: Another Match
Aired: 1988
Released in 1988, "Aim for the Ace!: Another Match" (Ace wo Nerae 2) is a two-episode OVA continuation of the original series, further exploring Hiromi Oka's journey in the world of competitive tennis...
Aim for the Ace!: The Movie
Aired: 1979
“Ace wo Nerae!” (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo m...
Aria (Series)
Aired: 2005
The young, free-spirited Manhome native Akari Mizunashi is currently a beginner Undine (the term used for tour guides). Along the way, discover many important life lessons, including the amazing fact ...
Aria The Animation
Aired: 2005
The young, free-spirited Manhome native Akari Mizunashi is currently a beginner Undine (the term used for tour guides). Along the way, discover many important life lessons, including the amazing fact ...
Aria the Benedizione
Aired: 2021
As the eagerly anticipated winter months approach, along with the peace and elegance of Neo-Venezia, Aika thinks back on her journey as an Undine and how it shaped who she is today. She can still clea...
Aria the Crepuscolo
Aired: 2021
Anya learns more about her seniors' emotions when the three of them try to get Alice and Athena together, and this understanding could be crucial in helping to clear the air between them....
Aria the Natural
Aired: 2006
In the tranquil city of Neo Venezia, Akari Mizunashi continues her training to become a Prima Undine, a professional tour guide and gondolier, with the help of her friends Aika and Alice. These three ...