Category: Action

A Silent Voice movie poster

A Silent Voice

Aired: 2016

A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) is a japanese animated film based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. When Nishimiya, a grade school student, is bullied due to...

A Silent Voice movie poster

A Silent Voice (Series)

Aired: 2016

A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) is a japanese animated film based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. When Nishimiya, a grade school student, is bullied due to...

Afro Samurai Cover

Afro Samurai

Aired: 2007

In the gritty world of "Afro Samurai," vengeance reigns supreme. Set in a feudal, futuristic Japan, the series follows Afro, a stoic and skilled swordsman on a relentless quest for revenge. With th...

Afro Samurai Cover

Afro Samurai (Series)

Aired: 2007

In the gritty world of "Afro Samurai," vengeance reigns supreme. Set in a feudal, futuristic Japan, the series follows Afro, a stoic and skilled swordsman on a relentless quest for revenge. With th...

Afro Samurai Resurrection Cover

Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Aired: 2009

In "Afro Samurai: Resurrection," the saga of Afro continues in an electrifying tale of vengeance and redemption. Set after the events of the original series, Afro finds himself drawn back into a wo...

ajin tv show


Aired: 2016

Kei Nagai, a high-schooler, knows so little about “Ajin”, the mysterious beings, who are a threat to mankind as they are immortal. Despite being taught about Ajins in his classes, he is uninterest...

ajin tv show

Ajin: Demi-Human (Series)

Aired: 2016

Kei Nagai, a high-schooler, knows so little about “Ajin”, the mysterious beings, who are a threat to mankind as they are immortal. Despite being taught about Ajins in his classes, he is uninter...

ajin tv show

Ajin: Demi-Human OVA Part 1

Aired: 2016

Limited edition manga volumes (8 and 9) were featured in these two episodes of OVA....

ajin tv show

Ajin: Demi-Human OVA Part 2

Aired: 2017

This OVA focuses on the background story of Ajin and features the tenth volume of the limited edition manga....

Ajin Demi-Human Part 1 Shoudou movie

Ajin: Demi-Human Part 1: Shoudou

Aired: 2015

High school student Kei Nagai has very little knowledge of the "Ajin," the enigmatic beings that pose a threat to humanity due to their immortality. Unfortunately for the government and the nation, he...

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