Category: Fantasy
A Silent Voice
Aired: 2016
A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) is a japanese animated film based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. When Nishimiya, a grade school student, is bullied due to...
A Silent Voice (Series)
Aired: 2016
A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) is a japanese animated film based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. When Nishimiya, a grade school student, is bullied due to...
Ace wo Nerae! Final Stage
Aired: 1989
Released in 1989, "Ace wo Nerae! Final Stage" is a four-episode OVA that marks the conclusion of Hiromi Oka’s journey as she aims to reach the pinnacle of her tennis career. Once again directed b...
Afro Samurai
Aired: 2007
In the gritty world of "Afro Samurai," vengeance reigns supreme. Set in a feudal, futuristic Japan, the series follows Afro, a stoic and skilled swordsman on a relentless quest for revenge. With th...
Afro Samurai (Series)
Aired: 2007
In the gritty world of "Afro Samurai," vengeance reigns supreme. Set in a feudal, futuristic Japan, the series follows Afro, a stoic and skilled swordsman on a relentless quest for revenge. With th...
Afro Samurai: Resurrection
Aired: 2009
In "Afro Samurai: Resurrection," the saga of Afro continues in an electrifying tale of vengeance and redemption. Set after the events of the original series, Afro finds himself drawn back into a wo...
Aim for the Ace! (Ace wo Nerae)
Aired: 1973
“Ace wo Nerae!” (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo m...
Aim for the Ace! (Series)
Aired: 1973
"Ace wo Nerae!" (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo magaz...
Aim for the Ace!: Another Match
Aired: 1988
Released in 1988, "Aim for the Ace!: Another Match" (Ace wo Nerae 2) is a two-episode OVA continuation of the original series, further exploring Hiromi Oka's journey in the world of competitive tennis...
Aim for the Ace!: The Movie
Aired: 1979
“Ace wo Nerae!” (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo m...