Category: Fantasy

A Silent Voice movie poster

A Silent Voice

Aired: 2016

A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) is a japanese animated film based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. When Nishimiya, a grade school student, is bullied due to...

A Silent Voice movie poster

A Silent Voice (Series)

Aired: 2016

A Silent Voice (Koe no Katachi) is a japanese animated film based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Yoshitoki Ōima. When Nishimiya, a grade school student, is bullied due to...

Aim for the Ace! Final Stage

Ace wo Nerae! Final Stage

Aired: 1989

Released in 1989, "Ace wo Nerae! Final Stage" is a four-episode OVA that marks the conclusion of Hiromi Oka’s journey as she aims to reach the pinnacle of her tennis career. Once again directed b...

Afro Samurai Cover

Afro Samurai

Aired: 2007

In the gritty world of "Afro Samurai," vengeance reigns supreme. Set in a feudal, futuristic Japan, the series follows Afro, a stoic and skilled swordsman on a relentless quest for revenge. With th...

Afro Samurai Cover

Afro Samurai (Series)

Aired: 2007

In the gritty world of "Afro Samurai," vengeance reigns supreme. Set in a feudal, futuristic Japan, the series follows Afro, a stoic and skilled swordsman on a relentless quest for revenge. With th...

Afro Samurai Resurrection Cover

Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Aired: 2009

In "Afro Samurai: Resurrection," the saga of Afro continues in an electrifying tale of vengeance and redemption. Set after the events of the original series, Afro finds himself drawn back into a wo...

Aim for the Ace! Cover

Aim for the Ace! (Ace wo Nerae)

Aired: 1973

“Ace wo Nerae!” (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo m...

Aim for the Ace! Cover

Aim for the Ace! (Series)

Aired: 1973

"Ace wo Nerae!" (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo magaz...

Aim for the Ace! Another Match cover

Aim for the Ace!: Another Match

Aired: 1988

Released in 1988, "Aim for the Ace!: Another Match" (Ace wo Nerae 2) is a two-episode OVA continuation of the original series, further exploring Hiromi Oka's journey in the world of competitive tennis...

Aim for the Ace! The Movie cover

Aim for the Ace!: The Movie

Aired: 1979

“Ace wo Nerae!” (Aim for the Ace!) is a classic sports anime and manga series that debuted in 1973. Created by Sumika Yamamoto, the series was originally serialized in Margaret, a popular shoujo m...

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