Category: Martial Arts

Dragon Ball (Series)

Aired: 1986

Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama's brainchild, came into existence in 1984. It has spawned several manga, anime, films, and other media adaptations. The initial series follows Son Goku and his adventure...

Dragon Ball Z Kai

Aired: 2009

Dragon Ball Z Kai is an updated and remastered form of Dragon Ball Z. It premiered in 2009 for the 20th anniversary of Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball Z Kai is also the sequel to the initial Dragon Ball...

Naruto (Series)

Aired: 2002

Naruto is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto. Its publication began on September 21, 1999, and continued till November 10, 2014, in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump. T...

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